Ep. #15 No Planes in the Sky: The Grounding of Team USA 2001
We all remember where we were and what we were doing on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001. Beyond those chilling hours of trying to make sense of the news and horrific images it gets fuzzy.
This is a story about what the members of Team USA 2001 did on the morning of Sept. 11. How they reacted, where they went, what decisions they made. Or didn’t make.
It’s difficult to write a story about something that didn’t happen. Team USA didn’t go to Belgium for the 2001 Motocross of Nations. Heck, it’s hard to remember the story behind something that didn’t happen.
And that’s why I wrote a story about a team that didn’t go, about bikes that didn’t get ridden, about memories difficult to unpack. Telling stories isn’t always easy, especially when it’s something nobody really wants to remember.
Thank you to the 21 people interviewed for this and those who helped with the photo assets. Want to read the print story and see more of the photos of the Team USA bikes?
You can find that at this link.
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